You are safe, loved, respected, valued & included

I shared the following (along with other thoughts) in my customer vip group a few days and it needs to be said on my other platforms too. <3 I realize that I have not said enough or done enough to make sure my stance on anti-racism and inclusivity was known, nor have I done enough to make a difference with the privilege & position that I have in my business or my life. I want everyone to know that you are safe in my groups & in my programs and that I will always do whatever is within ...

How to best use Facebook Pages and Facebook VIP Groups to grow your direct sales business

Are you wondering what the best ways to work your direct sales or network marketing business are on Facebook? Do you feel confused about the difference between a Facebook page and a Facebook VIP group and what you should be posting on your page and in the VIP group?  Let’s dig into this topic and help you learn the difference and what to do to create a better content plan, build a better audience & get better results for your Facebook page and VIP Facebook group. Facebook ...

Sample Word Choices and Scripts for Direct Sales and Party Plan Consultants

As a new, or even not so new, direct sales or party plan consultant, you might not know what to say when you are talking with people about booking a party, joining your team or even just about your business in general. Or you might be worried that you are coming across as pushy or aggressive. Remember that truly successful marketing always starts with serving others and building relationships. This means you want to focus on how you can help them, what solutions and services you ...

How to get past the fear of rejection and being told no

The majority of the emails, comments, messages and questions I get from direct sellers and network marketers are about FEAR. The biggest fear seems to be the fear of getting no’s, fear of rejection, fear of sharing their business with others and fear that others will think you are being spammy and salesy. I want to tell you how to easily get past your fear of rejection, of being told no and worrying what people are thinking about you so that you can confidently share about your business ...

Work Smarter by Using Theme Days in Your Direct Sales Business + Free Printable Weekly Planner

Having a successful direct sales business doesn’t have to be overwhelming and stressful. You can create simple systems in your business and a schedule that allows you to work smarter by using theme days in your direct sales business. This is a productivity method I used for years and have even implemented it into my coaching business and housework. It uses a method of batching similar tasks together and focusing each day on a specific area of your business. This allows you to ...

What to do if your direct sales company has to close its warehouse or stop shipping temporarily

Direct sales friends, I know things are frustrating and changing every day with the current pandemic and you might be wondering what to do to keep your direct sales business growing. I’m seeing several warehouse/distribution centers for direct sales companies having to temporarily shut down and stop shipping. I know this is disheartening BUT this doesn’t mean your biz has to shut down temporarily too! 1. Don’t panic, instead pivot!2. Get creative, not frustrated! There are ...

How to make videos and do live stream for your direct sales network marketing business

Creating videos for your direct sales network marketing business is a wonderful way to showcase your unique brand, personality and style. Live and recorded videos help you connect with and attract customers, hosts and team members. Most of the social media sites offer live streaming now with Facebook Live being the most used and viewed currently.  Facebook has even shared that it is giving live video a higher priority in the newsfeed. This is great for entrepreneurs! It allows you to ...

How to LEAP forward into success in your direct sales business

Leap years may only come every 4 years, but there’s no reason to wait another day, week, month or 4 years to take a leap towards your dreams & goals! Here’s how to take a LEAP: L – let go of fears, procrastination and excusesE – embrace better mindsets, beliefs and habits,A – (be) authentic in your marketingP – plan for success and take consistent action Your dreams are just on the other side of the things you’ve been letting hold you back – ...

Tips for Improving your Customer Contact and Follow Up System for your Direct Sales or Network Marketing Business

One area I see Direct Sales & Network Marketing consultants seriously struggle with is in the area of following up. This is often because they do not have an effective system in place to keep up with their customer’s contact info, notes or a solid process for following up.  Even if you have a good system in place, often times you may not follow up out of fear or not knowing what to say to follow up. It’s essential that you offer your customers a wonderful experience from ...

6 Lessons football can teach us about building a successful direct sales business

I am not the biggest football fan out there. However, while watching a game one time, I realized there are a lot of lessons us direct sellers can learn about building a successful direct sales business by watching the game. Commitment and passion. There is no doubt that in order to be a full-time football player that you have to have a commitment to the game and passion for it. Without those 2 attributes, it will be hard, if not impossible to have lasting success and happiness in any sport ...


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