Blog How to shift your direct sales business by focusing on income producing activities

How to shift your direct sales business by focusing on income producing activities


Let’s talk About Direct Sales Income Producing Activities (IPA’s), how you can do more of them and make more money! One of the biggest reasons most people don’t make much profit in their business is because they spend more time on BUSY WORK rather than on BUSINESS WORK.

Posting your sales fliers, host specials, kit offers on FB is NOT a direct sales income producing activity! Creating cool social media graphics on Canva is NOT AN IPA. Organizing your office is NOT AN IPA. Attending a training class is NOT AN IPA. Checking your email or messenger every 5 minutes is NOT AN IPA.

All of those are good and beneficial activities you may need to do *(except checking your email/messages every 5 minutes, that’s not at all productive) but they are not true IPA’s & should not be where you spend the majority of your time.

What is an IPA?

An IPA is an activity that produces income.

Things like Parties, Shopping Events (online or in person), Training Classes / Tutorials / Q & A’s, Live Sales (where you are sharing benefits/solutions and making an offer for people to purchase at the end), Team Building, Customer Care, Opportunity Events, Lead Generation, Relationship Building & Follow Up…

Basically, an IPA is where you are interacting with a person or a group of people, where you are sharing your solutions and making an offer for them to purchase something you are selling (or to host a party or join your team).

A TRUE IPA is NOT posting a sales flier or product image on FB with a link to your website or sending an email with your latest sales specials or doing a vendor event where you sit behind your table or you just hand out your card. Doing that provides NO VALUE in that for the customer. It provides NO CONNECTION with the customer. There is NO RELATIONSHIP/TRUST Building in that with the customer.

Sharing value, authentically connecting while building trust & a long term relationship with customers, not just a quick, one-time sale is the key to true income producing activities.

Why is focusing on Direct Sales Income Producing Activities so difficult?

Most of them require you actually being visible, putting yourself out there, interacting with people, risking judgment, rejection, criticism, failure and even success.

In other words, IPA’s require you face your fears and get out of your comfort zone. We procrastinate all over ourselves doing every other bit of busy work we can to avoid doing the real business work in order to avoid facing those fears.

How can you make focusing IPA’s easier and overcome your fears?

Learn how to shift your mindset, rewrite the old stories, beliefs and rewire the habits and patterns you’ve gotten yourself into based on experiences that happened to you in the past… Learn how to step into your Most Confident Self and show up as her every single day… Focus on serving & helping people more than your fears. Be the CEO of your life & business

Here are 3 things to think about to help you begin to focus more on direct sales income producing activities:

  • Take an honest look at how you spend your time in your business, how much of it is actually spent on income producing activities (IPA)
  • What kind of impact would it have on your business & life if you would increase your IPA’s just by 10% or 30% or even 100%??? How much would your income go up? How would your life change?
  • What income-producing activity do you struggle the most doing? Why do you think that is? What can you do to make it more fun, easier & more about SERVING other than about your fears?

Also please don’t feel guilty if you haven’t been focusing on IPA’s like you should have been. The important thing is to be honest about where we are, where you want to be and what you need do to get there. Then once you do that, you can take action, implement and start getting more results!


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